

Package Contents



class trasmapy.TraSMAPy(sumoCfg: str, useGui: bool = True, log: bool = False)
property network:
property users: trasmapy.users._Users.Users
property publicServices: trasmapy.publicservices._PublicServices.PublicServices
property control: trasmapy.control._Control.Control
property step: int
property stepLength: float

The length of one simulation step (s).

property time: float

The current simulation time (s).

property minExpectedNumber: int

The minimum number of vehicles expected to be in the simulation.

property collectedStatistics: dict[int, dict]

The accumulated statistics of the queries.

query(query: Union[str, Callable]) dict

Run a query once and get its current result.

registerQuery(queryName: str, query: Union[str, Callable], tickInterval: int = 1) None

Register query to be run every tick (by default). The tickInterval param can be customized to change the frequency of the statistics collection. Results are accumulated and can be obtained through the collectedStatistics property.

doSimulationStep() None
closeSimulation() None
_genQueryMap() dict
_startSimulation(sumoCfg: str, useGui: bool, log: bool) None